Amazon AppFlow: Understanding its Functionality and Exploring the Dynamics of AppFlow Data Flows

Raviteja Mureboina
3 min readNov 19, 2023

Amazon AppFlow stands as a meticulously managed integration service, offering a secure avenue for the seamless transfer of data between Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, such as Salesforce, and essential AWS services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Redshift. This dynamic service opens up a realm of possibilities; for instance, effortlessly ingest contact records from Salesforce into Amazon Redshift or efficiently retrieve support tickets from Zendesk and store them in an Amazon S3 bucket. With Amazon AppFlow, data integration becomes a streamlined and secure process, fostering connectivity across diverse platforms and services.

How it works

AppFlow effortlessly orchestrate bi-directional data flows between SaaS applications and AWS services with a few simple clicks. Tailor the frequency of these data flows to your preference, whether scheduled, triggered by business events, or on-demand. Streamline the data preparation process by incorporating transformations, partitioning, and aggregation. Automate the seamless preparation and registration of your schema through the AWS Glue Data Catalog, facilitating the discovery and sharing of data across various AWS analytics and machine learning services.

Amazon AppFlow flows

Amazon AppFlow facilitates the movement of data between a designated source and destination. This…



Raviteja Mureboina

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